When I first started my journey with God, I went through this transitional period where I felt isolated because God was stripping me from my old life and bringing me into something new. I no longer fully fit into certain friend groups and I felt like I was losing so much at once. Even now as someone who has been in my walk for years, it is still a rough journey when it comes to the internal battle of letting go of the "Party Girl" lifestyle to now walking a more righteous path with Christ.

This is why I started Holy It Girl, a movement dedicated to providing Gen Z & Millennial women with the tools, resources, and community necessary to help them navigate the transition from their old life to their new life with Christ. I know first hand how that lonely feeling can lead to depression and low self esteem if you don't have the right community pouring into you in order to help you reach your full potential in Christ.

One of the biggest reasons people refrain from coming to Christ or end up falling off of their walk is because they think of everything they have to give up. Holy It Girl provides that hope that your life doesn’t end when you find Jesus, it just get better. It stresses the importance of finding God now rather than later. Everyday we have to fight a spiritual battle against our flesh and it is easier to win the war within community. 

Before I found God, I was struggling with low confidence, abandonment trauma, and I tried to fill a void of emptiness with men that didn’t deserve me.  Holy It Girl will help plant seeds in so many women to experience the same healing that I did.

It’s more than just a journal, it’s a path to freedom. Join the movement.


Holy It Girls break the negative stereotypes of what it means to be Christian and move through life with grace and kindness. They are leaders within their community who disrupts the status quo, inspiring others to walk with God.

She uses the wisdom gained from God to acquire and maintain healthy relationships with those around her.


  • Trials Promote Healing & Growth

    We believe that God uses trials to to build our character. So, when tragedy strikes the question should be "How is God using this to grow me into purpose?" Learning the lesson within the struggle is key.

  • Discerning Seasons

    Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." God works in seasons and it is important for us to discern the season we are in, in order to better understand what God is calling us to do. Take the CHRISTIAN SEASONS QUIZ to identify your season.

  • Finding You After Christ

    Life doesn't end after you find Jesus. You can still have fun, dress down, and be authentically you. It's just a healed and transformed version.

  • Synergy

    We believe that God has given us all spiritual gifts in order to help one another. There is beauty in our differences and we should use the strengths of one another to expand the kingdom. We are stronger together.

  • Bible Study Is a Must

    God speaks to us through his word. So, we must read the bible consistently in order to know what he is saying to us. Lack of bible study cuts us off from his instruction. He uses it to guide our paths.